Getting Started

Getting Started
Step #1 Request a Link
Email Aspen at and request a link to our patient portal. We will need your name, the contact email you would like the link sent to as well as your child’s name and DOB.
Step #2 Look for a Link
You will receive an email from Fusion/Aspen Center containing a link to set up your patient portal. You will see 2 sets of intake documents that will need to be completed. (1.) Aspen Intake Form (2.) Insurance Intake Forms
Step #3 Insurance Verification and Authorization
After the intake documents are completed our insurance coordinators will verify benefits and determine if authorization is needed for initial evaluation. You will receive an email from one of our insurance coordinators regarding your plan information.
Step #4 Scheduling Appointment
After insurance verification is completed our office will contact you by email with available evaluation appointment openings. Evaluations are completed only between the hours of 8:00 and 2:00 depending on availability of specific staff members.
Step # 5 Completing the Evaluation
After conducting the initial assessment, the therapist will complete an evaluation report and develop a treatment plan based on the results of the evaluation.
It will take the therapist 1 week to complete the evaluation report and treatment plan. Once complete you will be able to view the report in your patient portal.
Step #6 Plan for Treatment
Aspen will match the recommendations from the evaluation and any specific scheduling needs with our available staff and clinic openings to the best of our availability. A therapist or clinic supervisor will email you the appointment options and a start date. Treatment will typically begin 2 weeks after the evaluation is completed depending on treatment/scheduling/ authorization needs. If you are needing a specific day/time that is not available, your child will be placed on the waitlist with your specific request listed. Once there is an opening that matches your request, the clinic will reach out to you by email with the option(s).
Step #7 Payment Processing
Our billing staff will send claims to your insurance company once documentation is completed by the therapy staff. Once we receive the Explanation of Benefits from your insurance company, invoices will be sent to the primary email on file in Fusion with any patient responsibility on a monthly basis. Processing with insurance can take up to 60 days depending on any insurance requests for records or reprocessing of claims that may be needed.In-Network With the Following Insurance
We are in network with most major insurance companies including: BCBS, United Health Care, Aetna, Cigna, Tricare and Medicaid. Being in-network does not guarantee coverage by your insurance plan.